Cavendish Lodge No. 2620
The Connaught Club’s role within London Masonry was traditionally one focussed on the engagement of existing members of the Craft and while members are able to join Burgoyne Lodge No. 902 when Master Masons, there was no route to Initiation through the Club.
Cavendish Lodge, No. 2620, is the first Lodge in a new Scheme which sees the Club working with the Universities Scheme in London to create hubs of young Freemasons enjoying the Craft both in Lodge and socially. A team of Club members as well as junior, young Masons have taken over the Lodge to provide a home of ritual excellence and social camaraderie.
If you are interested in joining Freemasonry but don’t yet have a clear path, or have a friend you’d like to introduce to a vibrant, young and growing Lodge then get in touch with the Club and we will happily assist you in your enquiries and journey. Cavendish is the first of several Lodges who will join this initiative, all working to the same high standards and striving to make Freemasonry in London as enjoyable as possible for all members under 35.
Cavendish meets at at Mark Masons’ Hall on the second Tuesday of October, December, February and April