Dublin Trip

The Brethren of the Connaught Club recently travelled to Dublin, Ireland, for a weekend to visit the Grand Master’s Lodge and take it the sights of this wonderful city.

Before the lodge meeting, we were given an excellent and informative tour of Freemasons’ Hall. All of the brethren were impressed by the architecture displayed throughout the building, and in particular of the Egyptian influenced Chapter room complete with its own trap door designed to lower individuals down into another room beneath the floor during ceremonies!

The first degree working took place the Prince Masons (Rose Croix) room which was decorated with the coats of arms and banners of Masons past. It should be noted that GML is one of the oldest lodges in the Irish Constitution; the lodge celebrated its 250th anniversary in 1999. As a result, the lodge has many of its own unique traditions, rights and privileges which were displayed thought the evening.

A volunteer from the Connaught Club was the evening’s candidate, and the ceremony was performed to a very high standard indeed, particularly so in light of the sartorial display of our very own candidate…! The ritual provided an informative insight into the differences between English Freemasonry and that practised in Ireland. An excellent Festive Board was enjoyed by all the brethren, where our Chairman delivered an address on behalf of the Connaught Club, thanking the officers and brethren of GML for an excellent ceremony. Following the FB, festivities continued late into the evening.

The following day, a packed schedule involved seeing the Book of Kells and the Old Library of Trinity College, as well as the requisite visits to the Jameson Distillery and Guinness Storehouse, along with the equally requisite tastings of the products offered by those establishments. Our time was rounded off with a fun night out in Dublin, taking in several traditional Irish bars.

An excellent weekend was had by all and locations for the next club trip are currently being considered – Scandinavia, anyone?