CC Casual – Karaoke Night! – 16th May

The Connaught Club Casual series continues with the chance to unleash your inner diva, belt out some bangers and blow us away with your best rock ballads…that’s right, it’s Karaoke Night!

Join us in a private Karaoke room at Lucky Voice Holborn 9-11pm on Thursday 16th May. Whether you’re tone deaf or classically trained, enjoy the pleasure of singing cheesy numbers in front of an adoring crowd, and get ready to be entertained by some ‘interesting’ Committee duets.

We will meet at 7pm for pub grub (optional) before moving to the Karaoke venue. All tickets include one drink at the venue – further drinks purchases are down to you and trust me, if Bro Mossom is on the mic then you’ll need plenty!

Register promptly to secure a place! Guests are positively encouraged, so drag out your best band partners and line up on those girl/boy band numbers…

Prizes for the best solo performance, duet, and group number on the night!