Masonic Seminar – The History of the Grand Stewards Lodge

The Connaught Club Committee are pleased to announce that W.Bro Brian Waldy PSGD, author of ‘The Grand Stewards and their Lodge’ will be presenting on the history of Grand Stewards lodge and the 19 Red Apron lodges from which Grand Stewards ares selected.

Brethren who have attended Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications will have no doubt seen the crimson regalia worn by both active and former Grand Stewards and wondered where such an apron fits into the sea of dark blue.

All will be made apparent alongside the role of a Grand Steward in their year of office, the peculiarities of the rank, and many more insightful facts from the most up to date reference on Grand Stewards.

We encourage you all to join us for a daily advance not to miss!

Details below:

Date: 11 May 2023

Location: Freemasons Hall, Temple 17

Time: 18:45

Price: £10 (includes a glass of wine and a charitable donation)

Dress code: Smart casual

Tickets for this event can be purchased on Member Mojo, which can be accessed here: