Friday 6 January 2017. You may remember it as Epiphany. We remember it because it was the evening of the Connaught Club’s annual Worshipful Mastermind quiz!
Picture the scene: the Freemasons’ Arms, the aroma of a tasty curry, and several rounds of top-notch quizzing. We found out who could tell their Dukes of Connaught from their William IVs,
who could name the CIA’s man from Langley in Casino Royale, and at what temperature Celsius and Fahrenheit were the same.
We were delighted to donate our team’s £60 winnings to Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust – and a further £180.00 was raised for this fantastic cause through the sale of this year’s charity pin badges and the annual “Unwanted Presents Raffle”. Successful ticket holders came away with everything from beard trimmers to candy canes. What japes.
We’d also like to send a huge thank you to our resident quizmaster, WBro Anthony Muirhead, for organising and hosting the event. A jolly good time was had by all, and we can’t wait for the next installation of the Worshipful Mastermind quiz!
The Club thanks Bro. Mungo Walls, winning team member, for his write up.