On Saturday, 12 March, 2016, the Club’s fittest and finest members will endeavour to cumulatively row the length of the Thames in aid of the mental health charity, Rethink Mental Illness, at the Fulham Reach Rowing Club. More details on our Thames to Change challenge here!
Like the charity event, the Thames to Change lapel pin has been created to raise awareness of the stigma surrounding mental illness and to raise funds for Rethink Mental Illness.
Created in the Club colours, at just 12mm in diameter and displaying the Thames to Change square and crossed oars logo, these pins look very elegant indeed!
If you can’t (or don’t want to…) row for in the Thames to Change challenge, then please support the Club by purchasing one of these very attractive pins.
All profits generated from the sale of these pins will be donated directly to Rethink Mental Illness who run services and support groups that change people’s lives and challenge attitudes about mental illness. Rethink Mental Illness is a partner in Time to Change, the biggest campaign to end the stigma and discrimination that people with mental health problems face in England
Due to the overwhelming demand for the pins, please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
You’ll be taken to PayPal, when you click the link above.
(Non-UK residents will need to pay additonal postage fees)