AGM 2019 – Proposed Constitutional Amendments

As required by the constitution of the Connaught Club, I am writing to you with a written list of proposed amendments to the constitution, ahead of our Annual General Meeting on Friday 22nd March. 

To view the full list of proposed amendments, please Click Here

Please note, after this document was published, an additional amendment was proposed by Chairman Elect, Anthony Muirhead, and agreed upon my myself and Orestes Adamou. 

This is as follows:

A paragraph has been added covering the circumstance of a committee member withdrawing themselves from an elected role post-nomination, and pre-election. As well as resignation from the post during the year.

The following is to be added in at 6.c.xix:

Resignation of elected officers of the committee

6.c.xix Should an elected officer of the committee find himself unable to proceed with his nomination – but prior to election at the Club’s AGM – the committee will convene at its earliest opportunity to nominate a suitable replacement who fulfils the criteria set out above. This new candidate will be elected as detailed above.

6.c.xx If this resignation occurs after formal notice of the AGM has been distributed, the new nominated candidate’s details will be distributed as an addendum to the issued notice If time does not permit this to happen, members shall be notified by the presiding Chairman at the AGM of the circumstances, and a separate agenda item will be used to elect this new candidate. An email will be sent at the earliest opportunity after the AGM explaining the occurrence to the membership as a whole.

6.c.xxi If it is not possible to find an alternative member to replace the originally-nominated member, an Honorary Officer may be appointed by the Chairman until such a time as a suitable candidate can be found, nominated and elected (as described above). It may be necessary to convene an emergency meeting of the Club to effect the election of this officer, and he will act as an Honorary Officer until duly elected in accordance with these constitutions.

6.c.xxii Should an elected officer resign after he has been elected at the AGM, the Chairman will seek to appoint a suitable replacement as soon as possible. This new officer will act as an Honorary Officer until duly elected (at the subsequent AGM or an emergency meeting so convened).

If you haven’t yet booked your place at the AGM, but would still like to attend, please Click Here

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Laurence Hobbs
Connaught Club Chairman